Last week my daughter Amie had a little accident spilled her juice all over her shirt
so she borrowed school clothes back home
She asked me if I could copy this pink dress for her...Well of course I said Yes!!! This is how I do it!

With the wrong side Fold it in half and Lay back of the dress down on the paper

Draw a dots outline All around

Shoulder part

Fold sleeves up and make dots follow the original Armholes seam

Do the same thing for the sleeves part

You will have something look like this ↑
Now connect all the dots

Add seam allowance and hem

now you have back and sleeves patterns
let's make a front pattern
I don’t want to waste my tracing paper for the front bodice part Because it’s kind of the same patterns as the back

I use leftover tracing paper just big enough around the armholes part

Copy the back pattern and cut it out

tape it to the back pattern. Make sure it matches up

Fold it in half and Lay the front of the dress down on the paper
Mark dots follow the seam around the neckline
Connect the dots and Cut

Now the patterns are done

When you use it just fold it under 😊

I bought this fabric last year from JoAnn its very fun print Zebras everywhere!
I made one size bigger for Amie Hopefully she can wear it till next year!